

Sam, our oldest child, was born in 1982. He showed an avid interest in books even as a baby. I remember reading a Dr. Suess book to him at nine months of age, and he giggled incessantly all the way through. In second grade, his English textbook explained the basic parts of a short story. He let out a deep sigh and said, “So that’s how you do it!”

Sam developed a deeper interest in writing in high school. During that time, he honed his writing skills producing newsletters and short stories. In college, his heaviest emphasis was on journalism. He also excels in creative fiction written to the tween-age adventurous type of person but that ultimately appeals to adults too.

He graduated from Mount Vernon Nazarene University with a Bachelors’ in English. He took a job in South Korea teaching English. His six years of experience there gives him plenty of material to write from on the next leg of his journey.

Sam’s Christian faith helps him to give a truly balanced view of the news. During college, he published some local news topics with this equilibrium on his site called Accountability in the Media. If you’d like to check it out go to

Following his job in South Korea, Sam has been studying web development. He now works in this field with his brother Micah. Check out Stickle Creative at . He is also developing his own apps to be published in the near future.