We waited four years to have our fourth child, Elisha, in 1990. I was immensely big by the end of the pregnancy but naively thought I was going to have a tiny baby. I chose baby clothes for the birth that the midwife laughed at as she held them up. He weighed 10 pounds 6 ounces.
He was sweet natured right from the start. He also revealed a love for animals very early. We hatched out a batch of chicks when he was a preschooler, and he could not leave them alone. He spent hours holding them one at a time.
During his high-school years he studied bees. He set up bee hives and visited them often, far more than bees care to be visited. He tried a number of experiments on them for better production and ridding them of pests. He kept bees for several years after high-school too, but by this time he’d learned good bee keeping practice.
Later, he took nursing in college and graduated with a Bachelor degree. He worked his way through college in related fields. After college, he worked in nursing for a while, but felt called into mission work. He worked in Haiti managing a Jesus film ministry for five years. Then he came to stay at home again and work an online call service job in hopes that he could transfer that back to Haiti. Haiti, however, has not become safe enough to return. He prays and even fasts for them often. His heart is still there. He’s such a blessing!